A Group Of Stahrs

Our Family Life…All Together

End Of Summer/Back To School 2014

So the kids were in Pennsylvania for almost 2 weeks this summer without us parents.  They were so excited about the whole trip.  Mostly because Jacob came up with the whole trip being named “Camp No Rules”.

Here are some pictures from Pop Pop’s camera of things they did in PA…









Fun was had all over PA.  They went to Gettysburg, Knoeble’s amusement park, Hershey’s chocolate factory, Penns Cave, Color Me Mine.  They also had great fun with Stahr Mam and Pappy John but I haven’t gotten any pictures from that part.  They had fun seeing all the family and just hanging without us interfering.  Those pictures above are in no particular order.  Those were just the few I picked from a cd that had way too many to post.  I also have no pictures from their time with Gramma (what’s up with that, Mom?).

And this one is just ’cause I love my baby brother so, so much.  The picture was begging to be posted…



While that doesn’t show their whole trip, just know they are still talking about being in Pennsylvania.  They really enjoyed their trip!

Pinterest has been fun for us this summer.  This is one of the activities I took pictures of.  We did the ivory soap experiment.  We put a bar of ivory soap (I’ve read this does not work with other bars of soap) on a plate and popped it in the microwave…



Then we started the microwave for 2 minutes.  At 40 second down, the soap started to expand and continued for the rest of the time…


When the time was up, we let it cool to touch.  The kids were surprised by the way it felt.  It looked fluffy and light but kind of crumbled to the touch.  It was smooth like soap should be and they could pack it back together but they couldn’t form anything other than solid shapes.


It was pretty could to see.  Not really worth buying a pack of 8 bars to use one for this experiment but it’s soap.  It will be used up.  Plus the whole kitchen smelled of ivory soap for the rest of the day.

First day of school…Two weeks ago!  I can’t believe school has been in session for 2 weeks already.  The kids are loving this year so far.  After registering Mazie for 8th grade about 3 weeks ago, she was so ready to start school.  I can’t believe she is in her last year of middle school!


After reading her bio on the school’s website, Jamie was so excited to meet her 5th grade teacher this year.  Plus she had just recently updated her eyeglasses so she was ready to show them off…


Jacob was a little hesitant about starting 2nd grade until back to school night a few days before school started.  He met his teacher and quickly knew it was going to be a good year.  The fact that she happened to be pretty had nothing to do with it. 😉


So looking at these pictures, I’m left wondering how my kids got so old.  It’s a mystery to me, really!


Ok, that’s better.  Now I can claim these kids! 🙂


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